Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Forgiveness, Really?

Forgetting is not essential in forgiving because the memory of injustice does not require that we eternally lust for revenge. (pg 66) This, tied with the parable of the debtor who is forgiven an HUGE debt but refuses to forgive and the author goes on to define forgiveness not just as allowing the debtor to not pay but, to absorb the debt.  Forgiveness, to me, means I absorb the debt, process it, write it of in the books but, perhaps do not allow that sum of debt to be owed by THAT person again. Whoever started the saying, "Forgive and forget?" When Googled, the phrase lead me to a Christian page that has 8 quotes from the New Testament about Forgiveness but explicitly does not find anything in the Bible that tells us we have to forget. However, there is another hyperlink to a site where Oprah has 8 simple ways to help us forgive and forget. I'm following the later, Saint Oprah will straighten God out when He comes to her (www.oprah.com/spirit/8-Ways-to-Forgive-and-Forget ). So, Forgive -yes; forget - not mandatory.  Further on, the author writes about Joseph's amazing forgiveness and the fear his brothers lived in because they lived in the world of paybacks and revenge. He goes on to state, "It is only because Joseph chose to forgive that the Bible has a future' Only because Joseph chose to absorb the injustice, forgiving his brothers, and move forward but trusting God can God's project of redemption through the seed of Abraham move forward." WOW!  Had Joseph chose revenge, evil wins. It occurs to me that when people in power, seek power to invoke their will, and are then unseated by another who seeks power for the same reason but under different pretense, the real winner is Evil. Evil just changes it's mask to appeal to a greater audience. The mask it wears at the time is simply the allure of power. It requires forgiveness, in its truest form, to unmask the power of evil, or is it the evil of power? May my revenge be to forgive, may my faded memory be my redemption.

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